1. Keep an ongoing grocery list. Most people can start one about 5 minutes after returning from the grocery store. Post it so everyone in the family can use it.
2. Take a sheet of paper and make three columns. First, list seven to 21 of your favorite quick and easy entrees.
You might include grilled pork chops, chicken pot pie and several crock pot dishes. Keep a supply of beef, chicken and pork in wholesale decorative materials factory the freezer.
3. Then list the vegetables your family enjoys on a regular basis. Frozen and canned varieties are the easiest to store. Include potatoes as well. Make sure you keep a good supply of each vegetable in your pantry/kitchen.
4. Finally, list bread possibilities. Refrigerated and frozen bread (dinner rolls and loaves) stay fresh for weeks.
Just check the expiration dates before buying.
5. Before weekly grocery shopping, choose seven entrees for the week. Check your freezer inventory. Buy in bulk during sales to China Coated sheet manufacturers save money and time.
6. Keep in stock the basics you use regularly: broth, mushroom soup, rice, pasta sauce and jars of gravy.
You will always be able to whip up a quick meal.
7. When your inventory is low on any item, add it to your grocery list. Buy more than one at a time to avoid
running out.
8. Since your pantry/kitchen stays well-stocked, you can easily make a meal using your list. Throw some chops on the grill, heat up the oven for dinner rolls and warm a bag of frozen corn on the stove. Bon appetit!